Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Was Excited to Get, but Still Haven’t Read

Thank you to That Artsy Reader Girl for hosting Top Ten Tuesday, where there is a new bookish topic every week.

This week’s topic asks: What book or books were you super excited to get, but still haven’t read? My answer right now is most of my Netgalley shelf. As a lot of you know, I’ve been in Germany for work and my previous idea that I was going to have sufficient reading time vanished. I’m very busy. So here are a few from my Netgalley shelf that are late. But I will get them all read. I didn’t do ten today. Only three.

These are a few, but not all, of the books I was excited about, but am now behind on. I am determined to catch up. Click on each cover to find out more about the book.

How about you? What book or books were you excited to get, but still haven’t read?

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