Book Blogger Hop: Bloggers or Professional Book Critics?

I can only speak for myself as a reader. Of course, I’m also a blogger, so maybe that makes me a bit biased. I think power is too strong a word. Influence would be better. I can’t say either bloggers or professional critics have more influence on me either way. I have chosen books that are popular with other bloggers or with critics, but I do not always feel the same way myself. I also often find myself loving books that might not be as popular with others. So, I would say the only thing that influences me is the book itself.

Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Authors

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@coffeeaddictedwriter. There is a different bookish question every week.

The full question is:  Do you keep an active list of favorite authors—that you would spend your milk money on—to have it when they publish a book? (submitted by Laura @ Laura’s Book Binge)

Answer: I don’t keep an actual list. There are some series I will buy or request if a new one comes out. As far as authors, I will buy anything Jodi Taylor writes.

What about you? Do you have any “auto-buy” authors?

Book Blogger Hop: Devouring A Book

Book Blogger Hop is run by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer. There is a different bookish question every week. This week’s question asks about the last time you read a book in one sitting.

Answer: I pretty much read all of Jodi Taylor’s books in one sitting as soon as they are released. She writes the St. Mary’s Chronicles and The Time Police series. The most recent book I read in one sitting was Kinfolk by Sean Dietrich. See my review of this wonderful book here.

How about you? What is the last book you read in one sitting?

Book Blogger Hop: How Long Have You Gone Without Reading?

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeAddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week. This week’s question is a tough one because it brings up a lot of memories.

That’s an easy but difficult answer at the same time. Three months. After my Mom died in March 2020, I couldn’t focus enough to read anything for three months. I was not blogging then, but I was reviewing on Netgalley and Booksirens, and I had to DNF everything because I just couldn’t focus enough to read. 

Three months later I started back in with audiobooks, which are easier for me to focus on, and then in October 2020, I started blogging on this site. I’d had the blog before that time, but I wasn’t using it. I’ve been seriously blogging/reviewing ever since. My Mom was an avid reader who read a book a day, so I always feel that she inspired my blogging, and still does.

Book Blogger Hop: Going Against the Crowd

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeaddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week. This week’s question is below.

The short answer is yes. I have found myself at odds with the “crowd” about a book more than once. The one that I recall right now is Sunshine Girl, the memoir by Julianna Margulies, who played Carol on ER. I hated it, and I got a lot of pushback from folks on Goodreads. The joke’s on them, though, because I don’t allow extremely negative or insulting comments on my Goodreads reviews and I just delete them. I could go further into all the problems on Goodreads, which is largely unmoderated, but I won’t do that today.

Book Blogger Hop: How Many Books Are On Your TBR?

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeAddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week. This week’s question asks: How many books are on your To Be Read list (TBR)?

Answer: Right now there are 27 books on my Netgalley Shelf, which is too many, but I got some great widgets and approvals this week, which I’ll share below. I also have about 15 Indie books to read. My Goodreads TBR is much bigger, since it has everything I’ve wanted to read for the last 14 years on it, and I doubt I’ll ever get to some of them. There are 184 books on my Goodreads TBR. I’ll probably delete some of them when I get around to it.

New books this week:


Book Blogger Hop: 2024 Books

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeAddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week. This week the question is: Do you anticipate any upcoming 2024 books? If so, what are they? Below are my answers. Click on the title to find out more about each book on Amazon.

Answer: So many books! A list of some of them is below:

  1. KILLING TIME by Jodi Taylor. (June 2024) It is Book 5 in her Time Police series. 
  2. A MURDER MOST FRENCH by Colleen Cambridge. (Feb 2024) It is the second book in her “An American in Paris” series, which features Julia Child as a supporting character.
  3. DAUGHTERS OF SHANDONG, by Eve J. Chung. (May 2024) It is the true story of a mother and her daughters’ escape from China to Taiwan. 
  4. THE UNDERGROUND LIBRARY by Jennifer Ryan. (Mar 2024). This is about a library run at the local Underground station during The Blitz in London.
  5. THE DIAMONDS by Gail Meath (May 2024). The highly anticipated wedding of Jax and Laura! Book 7 of the Jax Diamond series.
  6. THE GREAT DIVIDE by Christina Henriquez. This is set during the building of the Panama Canal. Since I’ve lived in Panama, I am looking forward to this one.
  7. BEAR by Julia Phillips. (June 2024) Two sisters dream of leaving their small town on the Washington Coast. Until a bear shows up.
  8. THE BRIGHT SWORD by Lev Grossman (July 2024). A King Arthur retelling!

How about you? What 2024 books are you looking forward to?

Book Blogger Hop: Exchanging Gifts

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy @CoffeeAddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week.

ANSWER: Of course! My husband and I are book lovers, and most of the people I’m close to are book lovers. We don’t always give or receive books, but we often give book-inspired gifts. I don’t get a lot of books as Christmas gifts because I get so many for free as a blogger. But I get book-inspired gifts like Harry Potter t-shirts and collectibles, or movies inspired by books. I got the DVD of Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris last year. 

Last year, my husband and I unknowingly gave each other books from the same author/series! We ended up only overlapping a few.

What about you? Do you exchange Christmas gifts with other book lovers?

Book Blogger Hop: A look back at 2023

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy @ coffeeaddicted writer. There is a different bookish question this week. This week we’re looking at our favorite book of 2023.

Answer: I read a lot of amazing books this year, but I’m going to go with Kinfolk by Sean Dietrich. This is heartwarming Southern fiction at its very best! You can read my review by clicking on the cover.

It’s the homestretch before Christmas! For all who celebrate, I hope your preparations are going well. What was your favorite book of 2023?

Book Blogger Hop: Bookworm or reader?

Answer: A bookworm I guess. I guess a reader could be anyone who reads, and a bookworm loves books, so I would definitely say I’m the latter. The dictionary definition defines a bookworm as “someone unusually devoted to reading and study,” so I guess that’s me, minus the “study” part. My reading is for fun.

I will say with Netgalley I used to find myself reading to meet a deadline if I didn’t enjoy the book, but now I will DNF that book in a heartbeat because my reading must be fun.

How about you? Are you a bookworm or a reader? Also, how do you feel about DNFing a book if you aren’t enjoying it?