BBNYA SPOTLIGHT: Starlight Jewel by E.L. Lyons #BBNYA

    Below is a book description, author bio, and purchase links for STARLIGHT JEWEL one of the semifinalists this year for the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Award. This was one of my favorites as a panelist.


    The human city of Minalav is renowned for its lavish balls, where nobles bring wealth from distant lands to the Starlight Palace, to be romanced—and robbed—by the half-human hybrids who live below the city. The wealthy guests leave without their treasure, and with no memory of their evening—except the unforgettable feelings that bring them back, season after season. But the magic of Minalav is built on dark secrets and lies.

    Axly, a hybrid assassin and seductress-thief, will do anything to protect her human half-brother. The path of blood and chaos she carves will tip the precious balance of Minalav, and the world around it.

    Go to Lyons Pen Books for more info on the world and characters!


    E.L. Lyons is the author of STARLIGHT JEWEL, her first published novel and the first entry in the Gifts of the Auldtree series.

    She holds a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Regent University. She’s worked as a pool manager, beauty department manager, relief counselor at a youth shelter and as a live-in caregiver. She hopes to finish her next novel from a loft overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.


    Click on the cover to buy STARLIGHT JEWEL on Amazon.

    Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Award (BBNYA) Panelist @BBNYA_Official

    I’m excited to announce that this year I will be a panelist for the Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year Award. Below is a description of the BBNYA from their website:

    “BBNYA, the Book Bloggers Novel of the Year Award, is a competition for indie authors (both self-published and published by small indie presses).

    The contest will be judged by a large and diverse panel of book bloggers from all around the world. The panel will put the books through several rounds of judging based on a wide set of criteria. As each round goes by, we will announce the results – until finally, we arrive at our finalists. After further intensive reviewing, we will choose our favorite and declare it the ‘’Book Bloggers’ Novel of the Year!”

    Our goal is to give underappreciated, lesser-known authors a chance to gain some recognition without being overshadowed by the big names, but also show the world the power of book bloggers!

    The winning author will receive a whole bunch of prizes,  as well as the honor, recognition, and vindication of being our winner, and the endorsement of book bloggers.”

    There is still time for authors to enter the competition and for bloggers to sign up as panelists.

    For authors, your book has to have been published at any time prior to January 1, 2023 and if it’s a series it has to be the first book in the series. There are other requirements. The full list is here.

    I hope the authors here consider entering, and the bloggers check out signing up as a panelist, if you haven’t already.