Release Day! The Diamonds #Review #Q&A #GailMeath


FROM THE AUTHOR: The most talked-about wedding is quickly approaching, and PI Jax Diamond is on top of the world. The tuxedos are freshly pressed and hanging in their closets. His good friend is busy decorating the nightclub for a glorious reception, and the newspaper reporters are anxiously waiting to print the front-page headlines. Even Ace, his courageous canine partner and best man, is prancing around, anxious for the event to begin.

The only thing missing is the bride.

Three days before the wedding, a group of mastermind criminals pull off the biggest diamond heist the city has ever seen, but that’s not the only gem they steal. And boy, do they have their hands full.

Every police officer from Albany to Washington is summoned to work around the clock, hunting down the culprits. Will they find Laura in time to save her life, so she can take her vows


It’s Book 7 of the Jax Diamond Mysteries, wedding bells are ringing, and Laura and Carla have disappeared! It’s obvious that foul play is afoot. Jax and Tim are hot on the trail, but Laura knows some tricks of her own.

It’s the seventh book of this beloved series, and Jax and Laura are finally making it official…if they can get to the altar. The beginning of this book absolutely blew me away. So unexpected. And the ending is touching and joyful. Laura’s extensive mechanical knowledge would not have been considered “feminine” at that time, and I love that about her. Her ingenuity often saves the day. She is beautiful and can sing, but she has a lot of other tricks up her sleeve. Her desperate, under-pressure tactic involving a telephone was unique and inspiring. I love the main cast and their close relationship. And of course, Ace is a scene-stealer. This is a great end to the Jax Diamond Mysteries series. Or is it?

The Diamonds is released today! Be sure and pick up your copy here. See purchase links for the whole series below.


A quick Q&A with Author Gail Meath

Thank you to my good friend Gail Meath!

Bonnie: Is this the last book in the Jax Diamond series?

Gail: I honestly haven’t decided yet.  I have an idea for book #8, and the series has gone so well, but sometimes it’s best to leave on a high note.  I thought I’d leave it up to the readers, and already I have votes for at least one more book.  I’ll probably write it…already, I miss the characters.  

Bonnie: How do you feel Jax has changed since Book 1?

Gail: In the beginning, Jax was a loner except for his good friendship with Tim, a police officer, and his very special bond with Ace.  He didn’t have a past.  He never looked to the future.  He held a few grudges and didn’t trust anyone else.  Laura, his Broadway star sweetheart, was hugely influential in bringing him out of his shell and learning to trust again.  So, too, was his renewed friendship with Orin Marino and reuniting with his parents.

Bonnie: Can you pick some of your favorite moments throughout the series?

Gail: That’s a tough question, but I think the absolute most fun I had was writing about Laura and Ace going undercover behind Jax’s back in Framed, Book 2.  That’s when we discover Orin isn’t who we thought.  Another favorite is Two of a Kind, The Beginning novella where Jax and Ace meet when Ace is just a puppy.

Bonnie: Besides Ace, Jax, and Laura, my favorite character is Orin Marino.  Which character is your favorite outside of the big three?

Gail: It’s funny.  I never intended for Orin to become a loveable ‘gangster’.  It just happened, and I’ve got to agree with you.  If I do write another book, I want him to have a happy ending!

Bonnie: I know you have a new series coming out soon. Can you tell us a little bit about it?

Gail: I’m currently writing the first book in a new series that takes place during the 1930s glamorous Golden Age of Hollywood.  It stars Vivian Steele, a widowed fashion designer, and Preston Stone, Hollywood’s most beloved playboy, who reluctantly team up to solve some very high-profile mysteries.  It’ll have a great cast of characters ranging from the rich and famous to Bella, the Boston Terrier, and a few other endearing folks.

Thanks Gail for answering my questions, as always!

A surprise question for Gail: Any chance of an Orin Marino spinoff series?


Link to buy the whole JAX DIAMOND MYSTERIES series

Link to buy THE DIAMONDS, just released today!

10 thoughts on “Release Day! The Diamonds #Review #Q&A #GailMeath”

  1. A huge and loving thanks to you, Bonnie!! Love the ‘invitation’, above. Your review was wonderful and so appreciated. As always, great questions, too. I had to laugh at your surprise question, but it’s something to think about, especially since I have several readers who absolutely love Orin. Hmmm. Thank you again!!! xoxox

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