Sunday Post: Back Home

Sunday post is hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer.

Our senior dog, Holly, resting at home, like me.

After a long work trip, I’m back home. My blogging slowed the last two weeks so I’ll be catching up a lot. I didn’t realize how tired I was until I got up for a few hours and then had to take a long nap. Hopefully I’m all caught up on my sleep now.

Last week I turned 59. That means I’m officially one year from retirement! I hope the year passes quickly. Doug and I also had our 41st wedding anniversary because we got married on my 18th birthday. We are celebrating both today since I’m back home.

During my two weeks in Missouri, my Macbook Air started to fail, and with Doug’s blessing I picked up a new computer. It’s a Macbook Pro! My Air was at least 8 years old so it was time for a new one and I’m liking it so far. Everything from my Air transferred directly to the new computer so I haven’t lost anything.


I participated in Sunday Post, did a blog tour for Adventures About to Begin, and yesterday reviewed The Girl Who Lied.


Monday I will review Through the Snow Globe by Annie Rains.

Tuesday I will participate in Top Ten Tuesday. This is a genre freebie. The challenge is to pick a genre and build a list around it.

Thursday I will review The Beautiful Risk by Lynn Hightower.

Friday I will participate in Book Blogger Hop and answer the question: Has a book ever enticed you to read more work by the same author?

On the weekend I’m back to Indie Weekend after an absence due to my schedule.


Five Years After is a post-apocalyptic (EMP) thriller. One Christmas Morning is another Christmas book with a “Groundhog Day” style theme. This is my second one of those in the last couple of weeks. I’ll be reviewing the other one, Through the Snow Globe, tomorrow. So Long As It’s Wild is Barbara Jenkins’ memoir of a famous trek across America she made in the 1970s and what was really going on behind the scenes.

That’s how I’ve been doing. How was your week?

32 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Back Home”

    1. Thanks! It’s funny but I have never been Holly’s favorite. She’s all about my husband. When we first got her she used to growl at me if I came too close while he was petting her. lol. Like she was jealous. She tolerates me now.


  1. Happy Anniversary! That’s wonderful you’ve been together so long! I hope your last year of working goes by quickly. How nice that your information transferred so easily between computers! I had to update recently and it was a process. Glad it’s done.
    So happy to hear you enjoyed North of Nowhere too! Such a page turner!

    Have a wonderful week, Bonnie!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Belated Birthday and Congratulations on your 41st Anniversary. That was a great gift to yourself to get a new computer. I hope you are back to normal after your long trip, Bonnie.


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