Sunday Post: Lightening the Load

Thanks to The Caffeinated Book Reviewer for hosting Sunday Post

It was a pretty quiet week, which was nice after the last two months working so hard. Doug is working on projects around the house and I’m finishing up my last month or two of my job.

This weekend, I’m planning to part with more clothes and books. As far as clothes, I plan to get rid of anything I haven’t worn in the last year. I actually have clothes I haven’t worn in years. I also have to part with some t-shirts, even though I love them all.

Books are a bit different. I’m going to get rid of any books I don’t really think I will read again, or any I have doubles of, which is more than one would think, even though I’ve gotten rid of a lot of books already. Downsizing from 2600 to 1000 square feet takes a lot of sacrifice. We have already gotten rid of so much, and there’s more to go.

The weather has been hot, hot, hot with no rain. Praying for rain soon!


I have been getting a lot of widgets lately. Here are three I accepted this week:

I also got approved for Debbie Macomber’s latest Christmas book. I enjoy reading her books, which are light and easy reads.

How was your week? Anybody getting any rain?

15 thoughts on “Sunday Post: Lightening the Load”

  1. Those books look good, Bonnie. As for downsizing clothes, be careful. Over the winter, I got rid of lots of clothes that I rarely wear. Yesterday, I was looking for a pair of capris to wear to lunch…I tossed them all, thinking I would buy new ones, and I never did…lol


  2. I’ll try to make good choices when I get rid of clothes. A lot of work clothes will go since I won’t need them anymore. I’ll just keep what I want to wear to church or occasionally dress up. Most of the clothes I keep will be casual clothes.


  3. I am impressed with your ability to downsize, declutter. I would be hard pressed to get rid of any T-shirts if they fit. I can never have too many. If they don’t fit and are a theme like the zoos we have visited or bike rides I went on, or Harley shirts, I’ll be making a quilt of them. I love that new header!

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post


    1. It’s funny, but the closer the move gets, the easier it is to get rid of things. Probably because I’m thinking “Do I really want to spend the time moving and then unpacking this item, or am I happy with letting it go?” I’ve let go of a lot of stuff that way.

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    1. We made the decision to give everything away to charities because we didn’t want to spend the extra time and effort selling them. In the past, yard sales have been the best way. Put an ad in the paper, and people will come to the house, even before the sale. We never turned anyone away before the sale because we wanted to get rid of it all, so we let them show up whenever. This time, Goodwill and Habitat for Humanity have gotten everything.

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  4. That’s a major downsizing, and it requires a lot of tough decisions. I know we’ll be facing that in the next 5-10 years; our current house isn’t large, but it has a full basement and we’ve stored a fair bit down there. We’re starting to go through things and declutter so it won’t be as big a job later. One thing I have been doing over the past 10 years is buy Kindle editions (on sale) of a lot of the books I like to reread. I keep my print copies if the actual edition is special to me, but I can let go of a lot of print books that way.


  5. The Julia Kelly book looks good!! I’ll have to check it out. I’ve never heard of her or her series, but I love the theme of it. As for clothes, I thinned my closet a few days ago. At the end of each major season (summer, winter) I look at my clothes, and those I didn’t wear I put in the giveaway bag. By doing it this way with the past season fresh on my mind I never regret the clothes I choose to let go of, because I have a valid reason for it. No point in hanging on to them when someone else could get good use out of them, right? Plus, you’ll love how easy it is to find the clothes you do wear without all the extra clutter in your closet. What fun!!

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