Indie Spotlight: Anywhere but Schuylkill by Michael Dunn

Indie Spotlight is part of my effort to help Indie Authors with marketing. It’s a tough task, and if I can help even a little, I’m happy to do it. You can help too by sharing this with all your social media followers. Below please see a book description, buy links, and an author bio for Anywhere But Schuylkill, the story of 20 Irish coal miners who were hanged in Pennsylvania in 1877 for their supposed connection to a terrorist organization.


ANYWHERE BUT SCHUYLKILL is the first of three books by Michael Dunn in his Great Upheaval trilogy. It is story of a teenage boy, Mike Doyle, struggling to free his family from the violence of their greedy, hard drinking Uncle Sean.

The time is 1870s. The Long Depression is raging. Children are dying of hunger. The Reading Railroad has hired Pinkerton spies to infiltrate the miners’ union. And there is a sectarian war between the Modocs, a Welsh gang, and the Kohinoor Boys, an Irish gang. But Mike has a plan. It’s risky. It involves collaboration with the Kohinoor Boys. He could wind up in jail, or worse.

ANYWHERE BUT SCHUYLKILL is Michael Dunn’s first complete novel.


Michael Dunn writes Working-Class Historical Fiction from the Not So Gilded Age. ANYWHERE BUT SCHUYLKILL is the first in his Great Upheaval trilogy. A lifelong union activist, he has always been drawn to stories of the past, particularly those of regular working people, struggling to make a better life for themselves and their families. These are stories most people do not know, or have forgotten, because history is written by the victors, the robber barons and plutocrats, not the workers and immigrants. Yet their stories are among the most compelling in America. They resonate today because they are the stories of our own ancestors, because their passions and desires, struggles and tragedies, were so similar to our own.




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