Book Review: A Christmas Vanishing by Anne Perry

Mariah, Charlotte Pitt’s grandmother, is invited to stay with a friend for Christmas, but when she arrives, the friend is missing and her invitation is rescinded. Finding other lodgings, Mariah begins to look into the disappearance of her friend Sophie, and many secrets begin to rise to the surface.

This is a fine mystery, but did not transport me to the Christmas season. It’s also fairly slow-moving for a novella. The late Anne Perry continued her tradition of bringing in minor characters from other books for a Christmas novella, but this one didn’t work as well for me. The mystery, the secrets, and the characters are all interesting, and I liked 80-something Mariah very much. However, the “Christmas” in this novella is lacking. This is a good, but not a great, mystery. I did appreciate the fact that the theme of forgiveness is very strong throughout the book.

I received a free copy of this book from Ballantine Books via Netgalley. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.


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