Indie Weekend: Bouquet of Wisdom

Indie Weekend is my effort to help Indie Authors with marketing. Marketing is probably the biggest task authors have, and if I can help even a little, I’m happy to do it. You can help too by sharing this far and wide with your social media followers. Below please see a description, review, and buy links for Bouquet of Wisdom by Deanna Nowadnick.


Bouquet of Wisdom is a book of thirty reflections from the garden, personal stories paired with a flower and a lesson. Deanna looks back on a little girl who found courage in a bouquet of sticky dandelions. She remembers the teenager who wilted in the spotlight of a daffodil pageant. She treasures Christmas memories that included poinsettias in a hospital, paperwhites sitting on rocks, and beautiful blue hydrangeas in Brazil. Some blossoms remind her of God’s faithfulness; others emphasize his care. Each experience was a lesson learned-in season and out of season, in the garden and in life.


*Click on the cover for the buy link.

This is such a beautiful book of devotionals that pairs flowers with life situations and bible verses. Some of my favorites are “Soothing Lemon Balm,” which talks about the loves and daily trials of a grandmother and pairs it with Isaiah 41:10, and “Bishop’s Weed and Saving Grace” about a lost phone. Another favorite was “Violets and Peace,” about recovery and moving forward. The study questions at the end take you even deeper inside your own journey.

This book really is a treasure trove of devotionals that Christians will appreciate. I loved the idea of flowers inspiring each story. My Mom was an avid gardener and she would have really enjoyed this. I plan to delve deeper into the study questions, which I think will be rewarding.

I received a free print copy from the author, but I also purchased a copy for a friend. My review is voluntary and the opinions expressed are my own.


Deanna Nowadnick is a writer and speaker who loves helping women of faith connect our delightfully ordinary stories to God’s extraordinary love and faithfulness, so we can be encouraged and empowered knowing God’s been in the details—always has been, always will be.

Deanna is the author of three books, Fruit of My Spirit, Signs in Life, and Bouquet of Wisdom, reflections celebrating not only God’s love but also His care. Yes, lots of stories.

When not writing, Deanna manages an investment advisory firm on Mercer Island. She’s active in her church, enjoying Bible study and also serving on the leadership team. Her leisure time is filled with knitting and needlepoint, bike rides in the sunshine, and vanilla ice cream bars with a high calorie count.

Deanna lives in Monroe with her husband, Kurt. She is the mother of two adult sons and the mother-in-law of two delightful young ladies. She is also the grandmother to Enzo Antonio, Austin William, and Cameron Spencer. Playdates are the best!



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7 thoughts on “Indie Weekend: Bouquet of Wisdom”

  1. […] I just finished two audiobooks this past week (At the Coffee Shop of Curiosities and North of Nowhere) while driving for work and driving to and from our future retirement house in Bryson City. They were both fantastic and I’ll be posting the reviews this week. I also read and reviewed a Christian devotional, Bouquet of Wisdom, and that review can be found here. […]


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