Book Blogger Hop: Bloggers or Professional Book Critics?

I can only speak for myself as a reader. Of course, I’m also a blogger, so maybe that makes me a bit biased. I think power is too strong a word. Influence would be better. I can’t say either bloggers or professional critics have more influence on me either way. I have chosen books that are popular with other bloggers or with critics, but I do not always feel the same way myself. I also often find myself loving books that might not be as popular with others. So, I would say the only thing that influences me is the book itself.

Book Blogger Hop: Favorite Authors

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@coffeeaddictedwriter. There is a different bookish question every week.

The full question is:  Do you keep an active list of favorite authors—that you would spend your milk money on—to have it when they publish a book? (submitted by Laura @ Laura’s Book Binge)

Answer: I don’t keep an actual list. There are some series I will buy or request if a new one comes out. As far as authors, I will buy anything Jodi Taylor writes.

What about you? Do you have any “auto-buy” authors?

Book Blogger Hop: How Long Have You Gone Without Reading?

Book Blogger Hop is run by Billy@CoffeeAddictedWriter. There is a different bookish question each week. This week’s question is a tough one because it brings up a lot of memories.

That’s an easy but difficult answer at the same time. Three months. After my Mom died in March 2020, I couldn’t focus enough to read anything for three months. I was not blogging then, but I was reviewing on Netgalley and Booksirens, and I had to DNF everything because I just couldn’t focus enough to read. 

Three months later I started back in with audiobooks, which are easier for me to focus on, and then in October 2020, I started blogging on this site. I’d had the blog before that time, but I wasn’t using it. I’ve been seriously blogging/reviewing ever since. My Mom was an avid reader who read a book a day, so I always feel that she inspired my blogging, and still does.