Sunday Post: Lightening the Load

Thanks to The Caffeinated Book Reviewer for hosting Sunday Post

It was a pretty quiet week, which was nice after the last two months working so hard. Doug is working on projects around the house and I’m finishing up my last month or two of my job.

This weekend, I’m planning to part with more clothes and books. As far as clothes, I plan to get rid of anything I haven’t worn in the last year. I actually have clothes I haven’t worn in years. I also have to part with some t-shirts, even though I love them all.

Books are a bit different. I’m going to get rid of any books I don’t really think I will read again, or any I have doubles of, which is more than one would think, even though I’ve gotten rid of a lot of books already. Downsizing from 2600 to 1000 square feet takes a lot of sacrifice. We have already gotten rid of so much, and there’s more to go.

The weather has been hot, hot, hot with no rain. Praying for rain soon!


I have been getting a lot of widgets lately. Here are three I accepted this week:

I also got approved for Debbie Macomber’s latest Christmas book. I enjoy reading her books, which are light and easy reads.

How was your week? Anybody getting any rain?

Dabbling in Poetry

I used to write poetry when I was a kid, although I had no idea of any rules or rhythm. I am thinking about getting back into it again. Below is a poem I wrote years ago in my first year of community college. I always remembered it because it’s about what might happen right after you die. I had to write a sonnet in iambic pentameter and that’s what I came up with. I have no idea if it’s any good or not, but I’m definitely interested in learning a lot more about poetry. It seems very simple to me many years later, but I’m curious to see what I could come up with now.


My name was Nancy when I woke today
But now I am a vapor in the air
When I got on the train I was okay
Now blackened fragments scatter everywhere

I’m floating, watching high above the mess
Somebody pulls a cloth over my form
A preacher kneels, and cries, and starts to bless
I suddenly feel cold, but very warm.

The mountains beckon me, but with a wish
I’m roaming through them, married to the sky.
The moon hangs gold, like butter on my dish.
The things I always wondered, I know why.

When I got on the train, I was okay.
But now I am complete in every way.